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A little inland from the beach, close to a large pointed rock is a brown bear carcass. Simply right-click on it to retrieve the quest item, and return to the Buzzbox.

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Q: How do you do quest No accounting for taste on wow?
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you have to go to a website and download quest helper. i recommend you google "WoW quest helper download"

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You must go back to the quest giver and accept the quest again. Or if possible, have a friend in your group share the quest with you.

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There is no accounting for taste. I would like to hear a good accounting of your acitvities today.

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Quest and do your lvl instances

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As a part of the transition from Mists of Pandaria to Warlords of Draenor, we'll be making some changes to the Legendary Cloak quest line.

If you like adventure quest what else would you like?

WoW, Ragnarok Online, etc.

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A lot like Runescape WOW and a lot more!

How do you play as a naga on wow?

You cant play as a Naga in WoW, but there is a quest in Desolace that lets you have a Naga disguise. This also gives you the ability to breathe underwater, throw harpoons and nets and makes you friendly with the Naga, however, the disguise is only available while the quest is active.

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there's no accounting for taste (expression) used to say how difficult it is to understand why somebody likes somebody/something that you do not like at all: She thinks he's wonderful-oh well, there's no accounting for taste.

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Any of Stormwind's guards are capable of completing the quest, however, this is a seasonal quest and not available when the holiday is over.

What is the most delicious way to eat an Oreo?

Opinions will always vary as there is no accounting for taste.