

How do you draw Kaa the snake?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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First, draw Kaa's body (Kaa is very big, so you can't draw his full length) simply by drawing three lines. The first two have to be quite far apart, so then the third line can be drawn in. Next, draw Kaa's head by firstly putting his lower half of his head at 45 degrees down to the right or left (it depends on which direction Kaa's body is facing), then draw across to draw the other half of Kaa's head. After that, draw a curved line on both sides (this is the start of the back of Kaa's head), then draw two curved lines that mirror each other (it's for Kaa's eyes to be added) on an 85 degree angle. Next, draw two large ovals in the middle of the mirrored curved lines, then draw a curved line in the middle of the ovals (They are Kaa's eyelids). After that, draw two dots just below the two curved lines in the middle of the ovals. Next, draw two nostrils on the two ends on the front of Kaa's nose, then draw a diagonal line from the sides of Kaa's nose, then after you draw it the length you would like it to be, draw a line across and then you reverse the other diagonal line by drawing one on the opposite side, then repeat the process for the interior of Kaa's mouth.Then draw a big line that curves back up (like the letter U), then do the same with a smaller line curving back in, then draw another small line curving back out, then you draw another big line that is copying the other big line on the opposite side to complete the drawing of Kaa's forked tongue. Next, draw lines that start curved and get straight when they are closer to the middle and draw curved lines back out of the middle. Repeat this step until you do it for the length of Kaa's body. Finally, to complete the drawing, draw some scales on Kaa's back and colour Kaa with any colours you like.

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