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Well it is very simple

whem i started learning how to draw anime it was really hard for me but the way i learned was to look at a picture and try to draw it and of corse it may some out bad at first but its because it was the first try so eventually when you draw that picture you start to get the feel of the drawing and eventually you can make up your own characters and your own really cool hairstyles. hope that helps you out

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Q: How do you draw long wavy anime hair flowing in the wind to the rightinclude step by step pics?
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Only one type of silver dollar exist dated 1923 and it's a PEACE dollar. No such thing as a flowing hair or non-flowing hair.

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Grow your hair out and bleach it white. Get contacts with yellow lenses and slit pupils. Buy a red hakama and haori. Wear fake fangs.

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Its just like drawing an anime character. Draw the head. And the eyes. and then the hair like Kyo's. maybe look it up online. but the worse artists are the ones that go step by step. learn yourself

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There are many anime with boys with long brown hair. You could check out Tales of The Abyss with Jade Curtiss

What technique did Clannad use to draw hair(bangs)?

I really like how Clannad draws the hair on their characters(particularly the bangs) and i want to learn what technique they used. I have seen similar drawings in series such as Haruhi Suzumiya, Kanon, and Air. It will help alot if someone told me how i could create my 'own' anime hairstyle in this style of drawing hair. lol p.s: I have searched many sites to try and find someone with a brief explanation of this, but most of them who draws the hair look like they are just copying and pasting it from the anime. They don't use guidelines or draw different angles of it in most of the tutorials I've seen.

How do you cut and style anime hair for girls?

YouTube has a wide selection of video tutorials regarding anime hair styles ~ see related link below .

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Flowing hair? I'm sorry it's a fake because they stopped making them in 1795

How do you make Hand drawn Anime with web-tools?

To graphic draw or draw on the computer anime you can use a mouse or a drawing tablet you can find in electronic stores. Note: Drawing Tablet- A tablet (with no screen) and a pen to control your mosue icon on the screen (usually 100 dollars) I reccomend a drawing tablet You can use any drawing program on the computer or web Reccemondations: Paint tool sai english pack Anime requires: Anime eyes are usually big A tight waist Unrealistic hair a small line or dot nose Those are main characteristics Usually there are step by step websites to help you draw anime simple or just advance by looking on thr net and take notes NOTE: START DRAWING ANIME ON PAPER THEN TRY ON THE COMPUTER! Hope that helped Japanese:

How do you draw manga hair?

You draw manga hair by using long strokes down for long hair and you often have unusual colours of hair most of my pieces often have purple hair.

What logo is a woman profile with flowing hair?


In anime are people with very dark blue almost navy hair considered to be brunettes?

People in anime with very dark navy blue hair are considered by many to be brunettes.