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Q: How do you dress like a female wrestler for Halloween?
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no, but for Halloween yeah... "HOW" do you dress like shadow the hedgehog

Why do people dress like a devil on Halloween?

People like to dress who they are not for Halloween. Alot of boys dress like girls for Halloween, it's fun for people to act like who they aren't for a night. Almost no one wants to meet the devil or go to Hell, but like I said, you can dress up like who you aren't. The Devil costume is really easy to do too, a red dress, and red shoes. But everyone does a Halloween costume for what they want it for, so everyone has their different reasons.

What to dress up like for Halloween?

cute and funny

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Why would he want to dress up like Barbie in the first place

Why dress up like Batman for Halloween?

I like to dress like batman because he is just sexy and i mean really who would not want too!!

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dress like a witch wearing a long sleeved costume

Is it okay if your son whats to dress up like a princess for halloween?

It is NEVER okay for your son to dress up like a princess for halloween. He will be ridiculed for all the day of his life. GIRLS were those outfits, NOT boys.

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shaved head

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haha honey.., Halloween pasted :]

Do Italians wear Halloween costumes?

No because they don't like hallowen dress

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