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Q: How do you drink a toast in Ukrainian?
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Related questions

Do you have to drink after a toast?

It is tradition. Some people actually will get insulted if you don't drink after a toast. Just do a drink and relax!

What is the history behind the word toasting as in saluting one another with a drink?

A toast is a ritual in which a drink is taken as an expression of honor or goodwill. The term may be applied to the person or thing so honored, the drink taken, or the verbal expression accompanying the drink. Thus, a person could be "the toast of the evening," for whom someone "proposes a toast" to congratulate and for whom a third person "toasts" in agreement.

Do you eat or drink honey?

in tea, with peanut butter, on crackers or toast

What tooth faries drink?

berries,acorns,strawberry jam toast honey

What is the plural noun for toast?

The plural form of 'toast' depends on the context. If you are talking about toast in the sense of bread then there is no plural, you can have a slice/piece of toast or several slices/pieces of toast, you can even say 'some toast'. Toast can also mean a call to drink to an admired person or thing, or someone's continued health. In this context the plural of toast is toasts, e.g. During the meal there were a number of toasts to the bride and groom.

What is 'Ukrainian' in Ukrainian?

In Ukrainian "Ukrainian" - "Ukrajinskyj" ("український"). "Ukraine" - "Ukrajina" (Україна)

What is a toast?

To "toast" means to lift a glass, usually filled with alcohol, and say something nice to or about the people you are "toasting," then everyone takes a drink to agree with the sentiments.

What does Gertrude do when it looks as though Hamlet will win the match?

She drinks a toast to him--with the poisoned drink.

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How do you say Ukrainian in ukrainian?


Why is the Ukrainian dance performed?

cause them ukrainians be wild. once they get a sip of their famous slovilomain drink, they go crazy. plus it looks cool

What are the Ukrainian religions?

Ukrainian Orthodox Church