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Q: How do you earn the 121 starites merit in super Scribblenauts?
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How do you earn the broken pencil merit in Super Scribblenauts?

Use 300 unique adjectives

How do you earn the replay merit in Super Scribblenauts?

replay a level with a silver crown on top of the star and win. tip you can't use the same thing twice.

What is the best way to get the pi merit in Scribblenauts?

There is a cheat you can preform With Action Replay in Scribblenauts that lets you gain 314 ollars in every level. Other than that, it's really hard.

How do you earn the colossal contraption merit in Super Scribblenauts?

What you need is: 1 colossal pink living snowball 2 pink glues 2 red glues 2 little black glues 2 baby white glues (yes, thats a size) put it together the right way, then it should look like kirby and you get the merit.

What is the definition of merit?

Merit is something you earn as an individual when you excel at doing a task. There are also merit raises that can be given for exemplary work habits.

What is a 4 letter word for merit?

verb or noun?rate is one for verb

Can Boy Scouts earn merit badges at home?

yes but they do the requirements found in the merit badge book and then find a councler for that badge

How can you use merit in a sentence?

"Applicants to these colleges are admitted strictly on the basis of academic merit." "The poorly written thesis did not merit consideration for the award." "Boy Scouts earn Merit Badges for successful study and application of skills."

How many required merit badges are needed for Star?

To earn Star Scout in the Boy Scouts of America, you must earn six merit badges, including any four from the required list for Eagle Scout.

What is a synonym for merit?

merit, be worthy of, ought to have, earn, warrant, justify

How many merit badges does it take to earn an eagle scout award?


What is the maximum amount of merit badges you can earn a one time?

There is no official BSA answer. It is between you and your Scoutmaster.