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File a motion to modify

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Q: How do you end child support for child reaches 18 and other child is younger in Florida?
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When a child goes to college do you still have to pay child support in Florida?

In the state of Florida, child support can end when the child reaches the age of emancipation, which is 18 years old in Florida, unless the child support order indicates otherwise. You should check your child support order if there is a statement indicating when support payments end. Check with the Clerk of Courts in the county where the child support order was entered to get a copy of your support order. You can have your child support payments terminated by applying with the Florida DOR or by court order through the modification process. Resources: Florida Clerks of Courts Florida Department of Revenue Modifying Child Support in Florida

Do child support payments reduce when the child reaches 16?

Generally, no.

When is it considered abandonment for a non custodial parent who pays child support but hasn't seen the child in 4 years in the state of florida?

In the US at least, child support and visitation are independant. A parent is still liable for child support all the way until the child reaches the age of majority, even if the parent has no intention of ever seeing the child.

How long do you pay child support in Newfoundland?

Apparently, you pay child support until the child or children reaches the age of 18 .

How can somebody get out from child support?

Move to Florida

Can child support continue after a child reaches the age of majority if he enrols in college?

not unless it is back have to motion the court to have it stopped

Do you have to pay back child support in cal if the child is grown?

When the child reaches majority/is emancipated, the obligor still owes any support that was ordered and not paid.

Is a new spouse responsible for ex spouses child support in Florida?

No. The child's parent is responsible for paying child support.

What age can a non custodial father stop paying child support in Florida?

Unless it is otherwise stipulated in a divorce final judgment, child support can be terminated when the child reaches the age of 18. In Florida, paying support generally stops at age 18. However, it depends on what your support order says. The age may be different for other states. You should read your support order carefully to understand when to stop paying support. If you've missed paying some of the support in past years, you may have to keep paying until you've paid off everything you missed. For more information take a look at:

Can a father stop paying child support when his daughter reaches the age of 21 in New Jersey?

The terms of the support order dictate when child support is to end. If the court order does not stipulate a specific time the support can end when the minor child reaches the age of majority. In New Jersey the age of majority is 18.

When does child support end if you have more then one child?

Generally, with the majority or emancipation of the younger/youngest child.

In the state of Florida your driver's license can be suspended indefinitely for failure to pay child support?

In the state of Florida, your driver's license can be __________ for failure to pay child support.