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Q: How do you ensure that clean and suitable clothes are used before tasks?
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Why should clean and suitable clothes be worn at work?

Because it's more professional, and the customers will trust an employee better if they look clean and decent.

Where can I find clean and neat workforce clothing?

Several clothes shops can provide you with suitable work/office clothes such as Wardrobe. Alternatively you can find advice from many fashion websites.

Was all the clothes in ancient Greece really clean or dirty?

Dirty before they were washed, clean after they were washed.

What should one insure before Salah?

One should ensure that their aura (state of ritual purity) is intact before performing Salah. This includes making sure that one has performed ablution (wudu) or taken a ritual bath (ghusl) if necessary. Additionally, it is important to ensure that one is wearing clean and modest clothing that covers the required parts of the body for Salah.

What are the inputs and outputs from a washing machine?

the imput and the output of the washing machine is input:washes your clothes output:your clothes get clean

Why do clothes washing machines move clothes around during a wash?

To evenly clean clothes and also clean clothes in less time.

How can you use absorption in a sentence?

I need to ensure that the sponge has proper absorption abilities before I clean up the spill.

Do Muslims follow any routines before they worship?

Before worship Muslims have to be sure that they are pure and clean and wearing clean clothes and must perform wudhu I.e. washing the hands, face, and feet before offering prayers

What are clean clothes?

Clothes that are not dirty or smell bad.

Do suds clean clothes?


What preparations are made before the Jewish Shabbat is made?

The meal is made and all clothes are clean. Friends have been invited before hand and everything is ready.

How do you cook potato peels?

You can fry or bake them. Fried potato peels are like potato chips. Ensure they are clean before you cook them.