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He does not require sacrifice because He was the ultimate sacrifice. He does not require suffering, He just says that there will be suffering because the world will hate us because the world hates Him.

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Q: How do you explain the contention that Jesus ethics demands sacrifice and suffering?
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What was Buddha trying to explain or escape form?

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If a Buddhist experienced suffering he might explain it by saying?

Only fully awakened beings who have left their bodies behind will no longer experience suffering. Even the Buddha said, I spit on old age. He did not say he suffered after his full awakening, but he had to deal, as we all do, with the demands, conditions and limitations of a body.

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If a Buddhist experienced suffering how would he explain it?

Suffering is a normal condition. If you have a body, you will experience suffering. There is no escaping suffering until you become fully awakened and leave your physical body behind. Buddha describes the path to become fully awakened. Full awakening and natural events will eventuate complete freedom from suffering. Buddhists are not free of suffering any more than anyone else, until they have an awakening experience. Then, suffering will begin to diminish, however, suffering does not fully extinguish until one if fully awakened and left the body.

How does religion explain suffering?

Buddhism explains that all life is suffering and there is no justice in the world because it is all an illusion. Hinduism can't say much. Jesus explains that the suffering of this world is nothing compared to the eternal joy that awaits the believer in heaven and in the new earth. He also says that suffering is a result of our desire to rebell against God and follow our own desires, which is not the be with Him. Therefore, suffering is a result of our sin.

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Buddah and his life?

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What does Theodicy explain?

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