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Q: How do you feel about a woman earning the same salary and same job as a man?
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How do you feel about a man and a woman earning the same salary performing the same job?

I think it's about time.

How do you feel about a man and woman earning the same salary for performing the same job?

I Think that man and woman should never be judged because of their Gender a man didn't choose to be a man and a woman didn't choose to be a woman, it is Nature's work. we all have different decisions in life, but deciding your Gender is not one of them, it is a gift from God. So, yes it is good that a woman is getting paid the same amount of money for performing the same Job that a man performs. The world was never meant to be segregated.

What is the employment rate for teachers who are earning their degrees online?

Earning a degree online is the same as earning a degree at an institution. It would be no different. So according to the ministry of education and based on the school regulations and salary requirements... there should be no difference.

Why is it easier for a man to get over a broken heart?

Its not easier. If a man truly got his heart broken then he will feel pretty much the same same emotions that a woman will feel. The difference is men dont usually express their feelings in the same ways a woman.

What does it mean when a woman says that you own her heart?

that she loves you and hopes you feel the same

What I do when there is a woman who really likes me but I just don't feel the same way?

Let her down gently. Tell her that "We can still be friends, But i just don't feel the same about you, as of now".

What is the average salary of an it professional in Kuwait?

Entirely dependent on experience and - more commonly - nationality. There are no anti-discrimination laws in Kuwait with regard to salary. Therefore, a European may earn 30% more than an American, who is earning 3 times what an Asian earns, but all doing the same job.

A woman looses her passion what does this mean?

that she doesnt feel the same way about you as she did before she may love you but not be in love with you

If two people worked the same job and one worked more hours then the other but both get the same pay what is this called?

either this is a salary job, that regardless of the hours worked the salary is based on a annual amount of money or salary. OR one worker is a woman and the one who work less hours is a man. Women make 70 cents versus $1.00 for the same work that a man works.

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Why does a person commit suicide if the man or woman of their dream does not feel the same way or look at them the same way their do?

I'm guessing people feel like there is nothing left..but that is not true there is more to life you'll see....

How can guys feel anus sex?

The nerve endings around the anus are the same ones that service the penis. They don't feel the same thing that a woman does in her vagina, but it can definitely be felt.