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drink a cup of coffee if u are caffein tolerant

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Q: How do you feel more awake?
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Related questions

What is the word awake in sentence?

I was awake at midnight The baby was awake playing in her crib. I feel more awake when I drink coffee.

Why do you feel hungry when you are awake from sleep?

You use more energy when you are awake than when you are asleep.

Why do you feel hungry when you awake from sleep?

You use more energy when you are awake than when you are asleep.

Symptoms when Xanax wears off?

you feel more awake and alert

Will she feel your penis in her hand if sleeping?

Wouldn't it be more fun if she was awake and also having fun?

Why is half of my brain feel asleep?

Not necessarily. The brain is constantly working regardless of whether you're awake or asleep. Some areas, however, will be more active when sleep and some when you're awake.

Do sleep boost up your immune system?

yes it does boots it because you feel much more alive and awake in the morning and much more happy ... :)

Why do you yawn when you feel sleep?

Because your brain needs more oxygen to keep you feeling awake, so it attempts to take in more at a time by yawning.

How does guaranara make you feel more awake?

Guaranna makes you feel awake due to the potency of the caffiene, the high levels of caffiene contained in the berry which is twice that of coffee beans, however excessive amounts of guarana with or without taurine can cause a series of seizures in a few people.

Why do athletes take stimulants?

some athletes use stimulants to feel more awake and feel as if it increases there indurance. also use to help them loose weight.

Can you have brain surgery awake and not feel a thing?

Yes because you have millions of brain cells but no pain receptors there, so doctors can perform surgery on your brain while you are awake and you not feel a thing!

How can breakfast help you have a good day at school?

keeps you more awake, active, and ready for the day. without breakfast [the most important meal of the day], you will feel more slump.