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Q: How do you feel when you look at nature or spend time in nature Soupy think it positively affects your mood?
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Observing nature.

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Positively because fans spend money on the sports' teams' merchandise. They also spend money on tickets. Better teams make better money, or if they suddenly become good, an example is the Chiefs' sales skyrocketed after the previous season.

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As a child Thoreau's feelings about nature were?

As a child, Thoreau had a deep love and fascination for nature. He would spend hours exploring the woods, fields, and ponds near his home, which greatly influenced his later writings and philosophy on the importance of nature.

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get a load of money and then spend it on what ever u want and then get a meal and seat on a bench outside and enjoy nature

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It is impulsive human nature., a desire for someone you want to spend your life with. we fall in love to gain a sense of security,

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Demeter (mother of Persephone who spend half the year in Hades with her husband, giving us the seasons)

Do computer games encourage young people to spend time on their own rather than with groups of friends?

it all depends upon age & nature of child if he is a reserve person then games will encourage them to spend time on their own