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Assuming what is meant by "defer" is a pre-trial diversion, which is the recommendation of the prosecutor with agreement from the court (judge) to place the accused a conditional probationary period. If the accused person completes the agreement as set out by the court, there is no trial and the charge(s) is dismissed. The defense counsel can request the action, but the decision belongs the presiding judge based on the circumstances of the case. A person who has previous criminal convictions will not qualify for a PTD.

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9y ago

A minor in possession charge usually has a court date associated with it. If you decide not to pay the fine, then show up to the court date and defend yourself or hire a lawyer.

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14y ago

By being able to convince the judge, or hearing officer, that you WEREN'T in possession.

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In Michigan is there a statute of limitations on a criminal charge of minor in possession of alcohol?

The Michigan statute of limitations for a criminal charge of a minor in possession of alcohol is limited to the minor becoming 18 years old. Once the minor becomes an adult the charge will no longer be valid.

Minor in Possession Oregon?

A minor in possession charge in Oregon is considered a criminal violation. The person will be adjudicated in juvenile court and fined or perhaps confined if necessary.

What is the statute of limitations for minor in possession in tx?

The statute of limitations for possession for a minor in possession charge is 2 years in Texas. The statute of limitations refers to the time one has to bring a suit in court against another party.

Will they drug test a minor for a tobacco charge in Utah?

It is doubtful that they will do any sort of testing. They just have to prove possession to charge them.

Can medicaid deny you for prescription drug coverage for minor possession charge?

Yes medicaid can deny you for prescripition drug coverage if you have had a minor possesion charge this is because it is a falony charge and they are thinking you will try and sell them.

What crime are juveniles arrested for the most?

In our area Retail theft, curfew violation, and Minor in Possession (MIP) are the most often charged. MIC Minor in consumption is a frequent charge but the possession charge along with retail theft and curfew violation are the most common.

Does a minor in possession of alcohol go on your record in New York State?

Yes, a minor in possession of alcohol charge in New York State can go on your record. However, New York offers diversion programs for some first-time offenders, which may allow them to complete certain requirements and have the charge dismissed without it appearing on their record. It is best to consult with a legal professional for specific guidance regarding individual cases.

What does PSMJ stand for in a criminal charge?

I believe it means Possession of Marijuana.

How much does a minor in possession of tobacco ticket cost in Indiana?

$132; indiana code number violation is 35-46-1-10.5; charge is minor tobacco violation and the minor MUST appear in court!

Will a minor possession charge show up on a background check in another state that the charge is from if you were fingerprinted?

Depends on the states on question. Also, it is not clear from your question if you mean 'minor in possesion' or something along the lines of 'possesion of controlled substance (violation)'

In Colorado can you own a gun if you have a defer sentence to a domestic violence charge?
