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Q: How do you figure out the speed of a wave?
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What do you need to figure out wave speed?

Wave energy and time

What is the wavelenth of 580 Hertz?

You did not specify the speed of the wave. The relationship is: speed = wavelength x frequency. If you know any two of these three, you can figure out the third one.You did not specify the speed of the wave. The relationship is: speed = wavelength x frequency. If you know any two of these three, you can figure out the third one.You did not specify the speed of the wave. The relationship is: speed = wavelength x frequency. If you know any two of these three, you can figure out the third one.You did not specify the speed of the wave. The relationship is: speed = wavelength x frequency. If you know any two of these three, you can figure out the third one.

What do you need know to figure out wave speed?

The wavelength and the frequency. v = ƒ * ƛ

What is the distance of an ocean wave trough to trough?

That will be wavelength you can figure out the distance by doing this wavelength (m) ---------------------- Wave period (s)=wave speed (m/s)

The wave patterns seen in Figure 25.6 are composed of circles What does this tell you about the speed of the waves in different directions?

speed of the waves will not change by the pattern of waves. the speed of a wave will change only when the medium or its properties change.

What kind of wave is speed?

Speed is not a wave.

How can you figure out the frequency of a wave?

Wave of light? If it is a wave of light. There are a couple of ways you can do this. 1. You need to know the speed of light , which is 2.98 X 10^8 meters over seconds. You also need wavelength. Labs

The speed at which the wave crests move is the?

... wave's speed of propagation.

What wave property affects the speed of a wave?

Both the wavelength and the frequency of a wave affect the speed of a wave.

Does the amplitude affect on the wavelength or wave speed?

No, the amplitude of a wave does not affect the wavelength or wave speed. The wavelength is determined by the frequency of the wave, while the wave speed is determined by the medium through which the wave is traveling. Amplitude simply represents the maximum displacement of particles in the wave.

What is the formula for finding the frequency of a wave?

The wavelength of a wave is calculated using the formula: Wavelength = speed of the wave divided by the frequency of the wave. For radio waves and other wireless signals as well as the speed a signal travels along a wire, the speed of the wave is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second (the speed of light).

What is the speed at which a wave travels through a medium called?

wave speed