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When you first start Panfu Ella and max are in your tree house until you have made your jacket but once you have done that they disappear.

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Q: How do you find Ella and Max panfu?
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How can you be Ella and Max's friend on Panfu?

First, when Max and Ella are inside your tree house at the start, click on Max and Ella and then their profile will appear. Click add friend.

Where can you find max in Panfu?

In Panfu, Max can be found in various locations throughout the virtual world. You may come across him in places like the harbor, the beach, or the village square. Keep exploring different areas to increase your chances of encountering Max.

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Well, you just go to the map and scroll along until you find Ella and Max's house! well basically if you click on the map then look for a huge house which says in big letters then just above that is ella and max's housae click on it

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yes and if you've read the first book when that happens fang goes with max but they get sepperated on their way to help thig girl named ella marteze SPOILER! ella martinez turns out to be max's half sister!

How do you make the golden jacket on panfu?

Do what they say. But I'm stuck on the bit where you have to talk to max and ella again and all they say is open your player card. Anyone know what I'm supposed to do after that? Coz it just won't let me make it.... :(

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What is Ella and Max's friend code on Disney superbia?

i only know max its boy01

Where is the dj on panfu?

There is a DJ on panfu in the tent, in the castle courtyard then you will find him in there:)

Where do you find car to drive on panfu?

you find it and walk on it

Where on Panfu do you find toilet roll?

You find it in the koisk. :)

Why was Ella not in Max Remy superspy Hollywood Mission?

because she died