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How to Write An Acrostic Poem:

Write the letters of your word or phrase down the left-hand side of your page, with one letter on each line. You can skip a line between letters if you want to leave room to write more than one word.

Now, think of words which begin with each letter - don't try to make a poem yet, just write down all the words you can think of which will describe or explain forgiveness.

Use a thesaurus if you have trouble thinking of words! What words mean forgiveness and begin with G?

Once you have a list, start thinking of how to write your poem. Which words or phrases are the best ones to describe or explain forgiveness Which will make the clearest mental image? Which will make your readers understand forgiveness the best?

Nobody else can tell you what to write - poetry is your own emotion put onto the page! Click on the Related Questions for more help.

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One possibility could be "Grace." It conveys the idea of forgiveness, compassion, and kindness. Another option could be "Grow," symbolizing personal growth and transformation through forgiveness.

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