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Q: How do you find a picture of a deceased relative?
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The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) maintain lists of their members and of their members' ancestors connecting them to the American Revolution. To find out if a deceased relative was a member, ask the DAR.

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it is ilegal unless you have permission

How can you find the will of a deceased relative?

If your relative died with a will in place, the will was processed by Probate Court. Probate Court is NOT only for people who die without a will. Contact the Probate Court where your father/relative died, and they should be able to provide a copy of the will or guide your search.

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You get a lawyer who is familiar with firearms law.

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Yes, you may provided you have already performed Hajj.

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You'll need to see a lawyer to do this.

What is an heir?

An heir is someone that inherits from an estate due to being a descendant or relative of the deceased.

What is heirness?

An heir is someone that inherits from an estate due to being a descendant or relative of the deceased.

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What does it mean if a picture of a newly deceased falls off the wall?

It most likely means that the picture was not properly secured to the wall.