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Q: How do you find lesbians or bisexuals in Iowa?
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Which are sexier bisexuals or lesbians?

Hot lesbians.

Are there more lesbians or bi-sexuals?

bisexuals because there are about an equal amount of homosexuals as bisexuals and lesbian is female homosexual so it would divide the number in half but bisexual can be either gender so there are about 2ce as many bisexuals as lesbians

How do you no if your girlfirend is a lesbian?

If your girlfriend was a lesbian she wouldn't be with you. Bisexuals date both and Lesbians date chicks.

What does homophonoes mens?

Homophobe? It means that you are scared of homosexuals (gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transexuals, queers, etc.)

Is there any video game where there are lesbians?

Fable 2 for the Xbox 360 has characters who identify as lesbians or bisexuals. If you choose to be female in the game, you can even pursue a relationship with these characters.

Why are their so many gays and bisexuals?

There really isn't too many actually; gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are a minority to straight people. It could just be that you live in an area were gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are very concentrated for whatever reason, probably just chance.

What should you do about people that are against gays?

People fear what they do not understand. There is a lot of misinformation about gays, lesbians, and bisexuals being intentionally distributed by people who feel this fear. They think that gays, bisexuals, and lesbians will "corrupt people" and that they molest and/or rape members of the same sex. Some others will use mistranslations from the Bible as an excuse to hate homosexuals, but there arguments don't hold up under close scrutiny. Gays, bisexuals, and lesbians are just normal people with different tastes.

What is the motto of Stonewall charity?

The motto of Stonewall - charity - is 'Equality for lesbians, gay men and bisexuals. At home. At school. At work.'.

What is the secret of gays?

Gays, bisexuals, lesbians, transgender people have no secret. They were just born the way they are, and want the same rights as everyone else.

Can lesbians fall in love with boys?

It depends on the person, but most lesbians have many gay male friends.

What is the closest state to Tennessee for lesbians to get married?

As of 2013, the nearest states are Iowa or Maryland

Are lesbians nicer than bisexuals or straight women?

I'd say we're all the same- mean, nice, sad, happy. We're all human, so what's it matter?