

How do you find out if hermit crabs see in color?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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they can see in color, you can ask me! One animal that can't see in color, or, color blind, is a dog! that is a very good question though!

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Q: How do you find out if hermit crabs see in color?
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Can hermit crabs eat strawberry's?

No. However they find raspberries delectable. Try rubbing it onto there nipples and see what happens. Xxx

Do hermit crabs live in swamps?

I think hermit crabs are sea animals so it is unlikely you will find them living in deserts. Why dont you go to wikipedia and see what it says

Can hermit crab see in the dark?

Hermit Crabs are Nocturnal Therefore, Yes.

Where would you find hermit crabs?

You can find hermit crabs in Panama at a place called Decameron, Royal Decameron(Which it is a hotel.)While your there you go walking to the beach and you might see a hermit crab,(walking or running) shannan&naomi were here at 13.51 15-04-2010 ;D

What do you call small hermit crabs?

It depends on where you find them. Are they in the rocks or tidepools. They are just small crabs waiting to become big crabs like you find in the ocean. Otherwise, are they in the sand, they are actually called sandcrabs. Sandcrabs are usually grey or silver in color with many legs and look kind of like "rolly pollys". You can dig for them each time a wave goes back out to the ocean. The crabs in the rocks, or the tiny, tiny ones you see on the sand are just little crabs that have hatched and are waiting to become big crabs before they go out to the ocean.

Does Justin Bieber like hermit crabs?

I will ask him if i see him. LOL i have hermit crabs and they are easily lovable, so I'm sure anyone would love them!

Is hermet crab poop slimy?

Hermit crabs excrete is so small, you have to look hard to see it, hermit crabs store it in their shells then scoop it out. It is dry.

Do land hermit crabs poo and pee?

Hermit crabs do excrete waste, they pee so little, you dont notice it, and they store it in their shells and scoop it out, along with excrement.

Can hermit crabs go blind?

Marine and Land hermit crabs both have eyes with which to see. Their vision is believed to not be very sharp. Moving shadows will cause a land hermit crab to retreat into his shell, as he interprets this as a possible predator who may be coming to eat him. Hermit crabs do not have ears, however, and are extremely sensitive to vibrations. Their antennae sense vibrations and scents in the air, and this is how they interpret their safety and where they should go to find food.

What do hermit crabs feed on and how?

hermit crabs will eat anything but do not give them anything will butter on it it will kill them hermit crabs eat food by pinching the food and pulling it towards it mouth which is hidden to where we can't can't see them. that is why some people get pinched, the crabs think there is food on your hand and pinch

How does an antenna help a hermit crab survive?

Yes, hermit crabs have two pairs of antennae one for tasting and the other for smelling since hermit crabs don't have noses. The hermit crabs uses the long set of antennae for finding food, and the small short pair for tasting and eating.

How many species of hermit crab is there?

hermit crabs have 10 only see 6 because the other 4 are inside the shell holding it on. They are much smaller and look quite different from the visible legs. Two of their legs have pincers, while 4 are walking legs.