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hi..i lost my passport and i dont have any coppy of can i search for my passport number

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Gnesan boominathan pasport number

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Q: How do you find passport number with name of passport holder?
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I called the UK passport office March '08 and apparently the serial number is the same as the passport number. UK Provisional licence twits please note and change your question.

How do you find a passport number using name?

I believe you would have to ask the office that emits passports.

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A passport holds the personal information of the holder including the citizenship, name, birthday, signature, recent photo and the issuing date and expiry plus the appropriate logo and security features of a passport.

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I phoned the Identity and Passport Service to ask this question and they informed me that the Passport Book Number in a UK passport is the same as the passport number.

Can you get your passport number giving your name addrerss and all related information?

If you lost your passport and do not know your passport number, go to a post office an fill out an application. It will ask for your name and address as well as other information.

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