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Q: How do you find room temperature with melting and boiling points?
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When do scientists make measurements?

Finding melting/boiling points of substances is an example, its logical, find it out yourself.

How does boiling point and melting point find a substance?

what is the melting point and boiling point of substance

Where can you find a chart showing in detail the melting points of all metals?

A very good periodic table. See the Web Links to the left of this answer for a periodic table with melting and boiling points, and other tables with the melting and boiling points of the elements. Go to this awesome site: HTTP://WWW.MATWEB.COM and find most any comercially-available material (all metals, plastics & ceramics). You can sort by property, which makes it easy to find the best material for your application.

What is the shape of the graph at the melting and freezing points of water what does this shape tell you about the temperature?

you got to find out yourself

Do all metals have high melting points?

Very high. For example, sodium (Na) has a boiling point of 883 degrees C, and iron has a boiling point of 2750.0 degrees C, and gold has a boiling point of 2600 degrees C. You can probably find a Period Table that includes the boiling points of all the elements and much more information.

How would you find the relative melting points of a group of substance?

Look at all of the different substances melting points and find the average

Boiling and melting point of hydrogen?

melting: -259.14 °C boiling: -252.87 °C to find it in degrees F, multiply by 1.8 and then add 32.

How can you determine the melting point of a substance based in its heating curve?

Heating curves (temp vs time) show the transition of a solid to a liquid to a gas. The solid begins to absorb heat, which is represented by a gradual increase in your curve starting from the origin. Eventually, the solid will reach the melting point, at which the temperature will cease to increase until it has fully transitioned to a liquid phase. Therefore, the melting point is the y-value correspondind to the first horizontal portion of the heating curve.

Do all metals have low boiling points?

First of all I would like to say that Metals usually have very high melting and boiling points. If you really find no mistake in this question then the answer is certainly NO. But if you feel now that the question is wrong and it would be "non metals" in place of "metals" then the answer would certainly be Yes.

Where can you find a table of melting points for compounds?

Here's a chart of elemental melting points...not compounds.

The temperature at which a given substance will change from a liquid into a gas?

The temperature in which a given substance will change from a liquid to a gas is its boiling point. Every element, compound and mixture has a different boiling point. Use an SI data book or the internet to find the boiling point of a particular suubstance.

Is the melting point of organic compound high or low?

Melting point is important in organic chemistry because it can be used for the identification of a compound. For pure solid organic compounds will have a small melting point range (0.5-10C),thus presence of impurity can also be find out by Melting point.