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it is at the lightning door

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Q: How do you find the key to the gate on myhology island poptropica?
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How do you find the key to the gate on mythology island poptropica?

There is no key when you get Hercules he brakes the lock

Where is the gate to the galaxy on poptropica?

its in lala island

How do you get in the gate without Hercules in mythology island on Poptropica?

You can't without him.

What are you supposed to do with the key card on poptropica counteerfeit island?

go underground and there is a gate use it over there

Where do you find the key-card for the wharf in zomberry island in poptropica?

Actually, there is no key-card. You have to use the bolt cutters from Joe Puddy's apartment to open up the gate.

Where do you go to find the new gate A and gate B in poptropica Ghost Story Island?

First you go inside the cemetary. Once inside, walk forward, right, forward, left and then go forward three times followed by a right turn. You'll be in front of a gate marked with the letter B. I don't know where you find gate A.

Where is the wharf on zomberry island on poptropica?

On the gate near the karaoke bar. to get in< you'll need the bolt cutters

Where is the key to the gate on mythology island on Poptropica?

The key to the gate on Mythology Island in Poptropica is located inside the Tree of Immortality, which is found in the Grove of Temples. You need to solve puzzles and defeat enemies to reach the Tree and obtain the key.

How do you get the gate to the mountain open on poptropica?


How do you get Hercules to smash the gate in poptropica?

you click on it.

How do you beat blocked gate in poptropica?

you have to have Hercules!

Poptropica confeterit island what do you do in the tunnel at night?

Well, this will only work if your torn picture is completed. Firstly, find the wooden broken stairs and climb yourself to the top. And then, click on the gate that is on top of you. Match the details on the statue with the picture at the top left corner of your screen. Then, the gate will open and that will lead you into the museum.