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The adage is "rise over run". For example, if the change between position 1 and position 2 is two units to the right and 3 units up, the slope is 3/2. If the change was 3 units up and two units to the left, then it would be (-3/2).

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Q: How do you find the slope of an object?
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What direction is the force of friction compared to the surface of a slope?

Parallel to the surface of the slope and opposite to the movement of an object on the slope. Parallel to the surface of the slope and up-slope, in the case of an object resting in place on the slope.

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the slope show the velocity of the object which show its direction and magnitude.

What is the number of forces acting on an object sliding down an incline?

two, one is the resultant weight on the slope and = cosine (slope angle) * mass two is the force on the object and acts parralel to the the slope and = sin (slope angle) * mass

How can you find the instantaneous acceleration of an object whose curve on the velocity time graph is a straight line?

It is the gradient (slope) of the line.

What does the slope of a speed vs time graph indicate about an object's motion?

The slope of the speed/time graph is the magnitude (size) of the object's acceleration.

Explain the relationship between the acceleration due to gravity of an falling object and the slope?

The force of gravity on object can differ because of its slope. An object can pick up quick acceleration at a steep slope due to the force of gravity than normal slopes. We say that gravity is force of attraction between the body and the surface of the earth. at a slope gravity attracts the object to itself. The gravitational force is 9.8N. when gravity attracts the object to itself than for sure the object will gain acceleration but the acceleration rate of the object will differ by the slope that it has been pulled.

What is the object of the given relative to an origin?


Does the slope of a position time graph of an object giver the speeed of an object?

Yes. Exactly.

Does the speed of a position time graph of an object gives the speed of the object?

No, but the slope of the graph does.

How do you find the slope when you have a fraction?

The slope can be a fraction.

What is the different between grade and degree?

The grade of an object is the actual incline or slope of a landform or constructed line. The degree of an object is what is used to measure that incline or slope in mathematical equations.