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You'll just have to start over because there actually is no other way unless you know where in the first row you knitted the tail. I think it would be better to start over because it's more then likely the project will not look as well as it could.

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Q: How do you find your place in circular knitting when marker has been lost and the cast on tail was knitted into the first row?
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What does is mean slip marker in knitting?

slip marker just means move your marker from your left needle to your right needle. a marker just sits on the needle and shows the place, its not part of the knitting and will be removed when you have finished.

How do you block knitting?

First get a board into which you can stick pins. Pin a piece of tracing paper to it on which you have drawn the shape of your knitted piece at the correct size. Dampen your knitting. Pin the knitting to the outline, adjusting it to fit exactly. Leave it to dry.

What does it mean to k to first before MKR in knitting?

Knit to the 1st stitch before the marker.

Who first thought of knitting?

No one knows. The earliest form of knitted fabric that has survived to present day dates to the 3rd century C.E. It's a fragment of a sock done in the nalbinding technique rather than true knitting. The earliest true knitted fabric has been dated to around 1000 C.E. and was discovered in Egypt.

When was the patent issued for hand circular knitting needles?

The first circular knitting needle was developed in the beginning at the 19.century. The first one with a flexible cable was created in 1939 by Moritz Rump (Walter Kohlmann) in Altena. Altena is a small town in Germany, the "Addi"company (Gustav Selter) is the only manufactur in hole Europe. Since 1829 they did produced crochet hook needles and in the 30th years they did developed knitting needles. Meanwhile is addi one of the biggest and innovation producer worldwide. Mrs Selter is the owner of one of the oldest circular knitting needles. BUT...the oldest circular knitting needles for hand is a victorien style from 1860. Silver pins with a small (not flexible) cable.

When your done knitting how do you get it off with out wreaking it?

you must do what is known as a bind off or cast off ( same thing) you start by knitting the first two stitches as you have been knitting .. then using your left needle insert it into the first stitch you just knitted and pass it over the second stitch you just knitted .. you should have just one stitch again on the right needle .. now knit the next stitch and once again using the left needle pass the one stitch over the other .. continue one at a time knitting one stitch .. passing over.. knitting one stitch passing over till all but one stitch remains.. place yarn over the needle and pull thru remaining stitch .. pull to tighten ..

Did medieval craftsmen knit in the medieval times?

According to the Wikipedia article on knitting, our oldest examples of knitted fabric come from Egypt of the first millennium AD, which would seem to put the invention of knitting into late antiquity or the early Middle Ages. There is a link below.

How do you find the start when knitting in a circle?

Usually one has a "tail" of yarn from the cast-on stitches when you start. It helps to note the beginning at the cast-on process, and put a slip marker there to mark the beginning of the row. The "tail" is a great way to remember where you started, so when you begin a piece, take the time to put your marker on your needles. If you have "lost" your way, very carefully look at your piece near that tail. You should see where the stitches are slightly "off"...that's where your "start" of the row is. Happy knitting!! When both knitting and crocheting in the round, I would mark the beginning of my row with a stitch marker. This can be either a small scrap of yarn in a different color than your working in or a stitch marker that you purchase in the store. Depending upon the pattern I might move the marker to the first stitch of the most recently completed row - or - I might leave the original marker in place and simply add new markers as I add rows.

Who invented knitting?

No one person is credited with the invention of knitting, but it is considered an innovation. It started out as nailbinding, which seems to be resulting in a fabric much like that with twisted stitches. See link below for an excellent article on the history of knitting.

Who thought of it first?

who first thought up of knitting

Who invented the first permanent marker?

The first permanent marker was invented by Sidney Rosethal in 1952.

What does tfl stand for in knitting?

Through the first loop.