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You have to place the flag, council patch, and troop numbers as far up onto the shoulder and to the right edge as possible. I had them touch the seam, trim, and each other. It is a tight squeeze, but I think they will fit.

I had to re-iron my daughter's so there is random glue in places, but so far it seems to fit. I warm/hot wash will hopefully get it out once they are sewn in place. If that doesn't work, I may overlap the petals onto each other.

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Q: How do you fit the five digit troop number and the daisy petals on a Girl Scouts Daisies tunic?
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What colour is a daisy?

A daisy flower typically has white petals with a yellow center.

What is the plural possessive of daisies?

Daisies is the plural form of daisy. The plural possessive is daisies'.

How many petals do daisy have?

Daisies Have 63 Petals On Them, At Least Some Varieties Do!

What type of plant is a daisy?

Daisies are flowers with flat petals that surround a round center. Daisies belong to the aster family, which also includes chrysanthemums, dahlias, marigolds, sunflowers, and zinnias.

How many petals on are a daisy?

the amount of petals on an average daisy

How would you use daisies in a sentence?

Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do... etc, etc.

Is there pink daisy?

Yes, there are pink daisies but the most are white daisies.

Why is a daisy also called a margaret or a marguerite?

That Daisy is a nickname for the feminine proper name Margaret and that marguerite is a French equivalent for daisy and for oxeye daisy account for daisies also being called margarets and marguerites. Daisy also serves as a common designation for the Asteraceae or Compositae family of asters, composites, daisies and sunflowers. The modern English word traces back to the Old English phrase dæges eage for "day's eye" since daisy petals open at dawn and shut at dusk.

What are two example sentences for the plural of daisy?

Daisies is the plural of daisy.Two example sentences with "daises" are:She likes to pick daises to make a daisy chain.The field was full of daises as far as the eye could see.

What is the plural noun for daisy?


Where can you find facts about daisies?

wow. I can't believe it. you managed to make such a vague question that not even a genius could answer that question. what do u mean INTERESTING? I could tell you about gardening. or soil usage. or whatever. no normal human being could answer that questionMy Answer to the above is:Most commonly, a daisy flower is made up of a yellow center surrounded by white petals. Sometimes though, the petals are a shade of pink.A daisy is a mix of two flowers, called a white ray floret and a disk floret.

What part of speech is daisies?

Daisies is a noun. It's the plural form of daisy.