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Q: How do you fix Rock Band drumset with loose button?
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Can you play drums on Guitar Hero 5?

yes you can with either the rock band drumset or guitar hero set

What is better rock band 2 or dj hero?

Rock Band 2. DJ hero looks confusing with the DJ shaped comtroller and you can only use a guitar hero guitar controller not a drumset or a mic. So, rock band 2.

What comes In the beatles rock band package?

a microphone, a drumset, a guitar (Paul McCartney's bass if you get limited edition) and the game

Why doesnt rock-band come with a drumset or a guitar?

It does, you maby just bought the game by itself. You can buy the drums and the guitar with the game.

Can you use a rock band instrument to play a guitar hero game?

In Guitar Hero World Tour, you can use the guitar and mic from rock band to play. just not the drumset. But anything before world tour, that would be a no.

Will rock band drumset for PS2 work on Xbox 360 for Guitar Hero Metallica?

No, kind of obvious PS2 and 360 dont mix

How do you get the gold drums icon on Rock Band 2?

I believe you have to complete the endless setlist 2 on hard. You will also have a gold drumset sitting in your closet.

Do the Rock band 3 Pro Cymbals work with a Rock band 1 Drum Kit?

New answer: The cymbals will not work out of the box with the rock band 1 drum set, but there are ways of modifying the RB1 drum set so that they can use the cymbals. See the link below. Old answer:

Can you use the 5-button guitar on Rock Band 3?

In my experience, any guitar worked for both Guitar Hero and Rock Band in the majority of the games, including Rock Band 3.