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Unfortunately you may need to get spacers or braces. But if it's a little gap it'll close up on it's own.

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Q: How do you fix the gap between your front teeth if you have weak gums?
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Why are teeth weak?

Teeth aren't weak. They are made of a crystalised mineral matrix that is harder and denser than bone. They frequently last for hundreds of years after a persons death. The underlying gums may become infected as may the jaw bones, but the teeth themselves are very strong. Years of neglect, however, can weaken the enamel of teeth and can cause cracks to occur that allow them to become broken and chipped. Of course severe trauma can break teeth, such as falling onto concrete or getting a hockey puck in the teeth.

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A healthy amount of dietary Calcium is beneficial for the formation of healthy and strong teeth and bones, but both an excess and a deficiency will lead to weak bones and teeth, as well as other complications. Calcium is most important for young children, who are still developing bone structure and growing teeth on a massive scale. It is also needed in larger quantities in women than in men.if you mean calcium, it is good for bones and teeth, but only in natural form like milk and yogurt, not over the counter supplements

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It has 54mg of caffeine and also it can make your teeth black. It makes your teeth weak and it will fall out early.

Scurvy What are the symptoms?

Some symptoms of scurvy are: bleeding gums, feeling weak, loss of teeth, loss of hair, also scars and tissues. All these symptoms are a sign of scurvy. Scurvy is life-threatning as 99% of scurvy cases know to mankind have always lead to death.

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Koalas have strong teeth which are able to chew tough gum leaves.

Why is tooth paste a weak base?

it keeps your teeth clean

Is milk a strong or weak acid?

All acids that can be eaten are weak. If they are strong they will dissolve your teeth if you drink too much!

Is cinnamon gum good for your teeth?

It's good for your teeth in the same sense that all sugar free gums are: they boost saliva flow, which in turn cleans your teeth. Cinnamon has been known to strengthen your gums (the ones in your mouth, not your wrapper), but I doubt that most cinnamon gum uses a lot of authentic cinnamon, think along the lines of artificial cinnamon replacement. If you want the beneficial effects of cinnamon, I suggest brushing your teeth with it once a week. It's very good for you if your gums are weak or diseased.

Do horses teeth fall out?

no unless there very old and geting weak