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You can't flush it out of your body quickly.

It takes a month to get it out of your system.

But if you have to take a drug test where they swab your mouth, I heard drinking colonge will put a coating on your mouth, and then you will pass the test.

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Q: How do you flush body of marijuana quick?
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No. Marijuana is stored in the fat cells of your body.

Quick ways of come clean from marijuana?

There are no quick ways. There is no magic drink or pills that you can take. It just takes time for your body to filter your system of the drugs.

How long does it take to flush marijuana out of your system using water?

It depends on your level of body fat, how much water you drink, and how often you urinate.

Does dandelion tea flush marijuana from your body?

Yes! and I'm only saying that.. because if you drank dandelion tea ?!?!?!?!? That would be hilarious my brudah.

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What is the fastest way to flush marijuana out of your system?

I,ve learned over my years that there is no way to flush marijuana out of your system but it does not stay in your system as long if your skinny and dont smoke alot of it

How can you cleanse your body to rid THC?

The way to cleanse a body to rid THC is to drink lots of water. Stop smoking the marijuana. One can also take pills that will flush the system clean or mask the drug.

Will niaicin help the level of marijuana come down or flush your system?


Can you smoke marijuana and take slim quick?


How quick does marijuana leave your system?

30 days

How long does marijuana stay in your body if you eat it?

usually the same length of time as smoking it. anywhere from 3 to 90 days. usually around 10. drink lots of fluids to flush it out.

What can you get or take to flush marijuana and xanax out of your system?

Niacin, an over the counter in vitamin section