

How do you fly a RC plane?

Updated: 10/5/2023
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12y ago

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A sailplane has the same flight controls as an airplane. Ailerons to bank the wings, a rudder to keep the nose going straight through the air, an elevator to raise and lower the nose. Some sailplanes also have flaps on the wings to allow the sailplane to fly slowly.

Sailplanes have one flight control that only jets have. Spoilers are devices on the wings that the pilot can raise into the airstream to cause the wing to lose lift. Sailplanes are so aerodynamically efficient that they need spoilers to help the sailplane lose altitude for landing.

Sailplanes can stay in the air without an engine by utilizing rising air currents. Even though the sailplane is always sinking slowly, if the pilot can stay in pockets of air that are rising faster than the sailplane is sinking, the sailplane will climb and gain altitude. The pilot can then use that altitude to glide and search for more rising air.

By gliding forward from one source of rising air to another, a sailplane can cover great distances. Flights of over 300 miles are not uncommon and the world's record for distance is an unbelievable 1,362 miles.

The Soaring Society of America has a good website to use to get more information.

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12y ago

well most rc planes come with instructions but if you made it yourself then just use the one on your left as the left/right and the one on the right well it depends some you can do things like up/down and diagonally so there is your answer bye

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7y ago

It takes a properly made paper plane and throwing it straight or slightly upward, with enough thrust. You may have to bend the tail or wings some to adjust it.

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try going to a local green or park they are the most popular places to fly them, Or if you live next to some fields try in there, me and my friend used to fly his at an unused air Field !

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