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You push them together. They won't stay together, though, since the repulsive force will continue acting.

OR, use a nutural \ sympathetic strata ... a simple example is use a metal that attracts the magnetic poles ... and they will unite! N --> |Metal| <-- N

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Q: How do you force like magnetic poles together?
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What is the magnetic force around a magnet?

The force between magnets is called magnetism. Magnets have two points which are the north-seeking pole and south-seeking pole where most of its strength is concentrated.

How do charged particles and magnetic poles interact?

Magnetic poles are the ends of a magnet where the magnetic force is strongest. There are two, north and south. The north end of a magnet would come together with the south end of another magnet. But, two like poles wouldn't. It's like when you were a kid, trying to force two magnets together, and your hands were pushed out of the way by the force.

What do 'like poles' do?

Like magnetic poles repel one another.

Which magnetic force is the theory behind mag lev trains?

The "lev" part depends on like poles repelling.

Do magnetic poles that are not like attract?

Yes, the north attracts south, and vice versa. Just as like poles repel.

How is magnetic force defined?

Magnetic Forcenounattraction for iron; associated with electric currents as well as magnets; characterized by fields of force [syn: magnetism]

Do moons have magnetic poles?

No. No moon has strong magnetic fields that result in "poles" like Earth ... but they often do have weak magnetic fields.

What like magnet poles do?

Like magnetic poles (or like electric charges) push away from each other. The same also happens with like color charges of the quarks.

What happens to like magnetic poles?

Like poles will repel one another.

How do you create magnet levitation?

Ever try to get two like poles of a magnet to stay together? They won't, that's magnetic levitation. To get things to move you switch the poles very rapidly.

What is the third law of magnetism?

Like magnetic poles repel, unlike poles attract.

Do humans have magnetic poles like a magnet?

No. We are diamagnetic.