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Here's how you get silly putty off silly bands:

Leave the silly band with the silly putty out to dry and then scrape off the silly putty. If it doesn't work, you might want to try wetting it then while it's gooey and slippery, scrape it off just the same!

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Q: How do you gat silly putty off of silly bands?
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How do you get silly putty out of a jersey without messing up the jersey?

Try spraying the spot with the silly putty on it with hairspray, and while the hairspray is still wet, pick the silly putty off.

How do you get silly putty off clothes?

you wash it

How do you get silly putty off bracelets?

if it is a rubber bracelet get it wet and rub it off but if it is thread then you cant get it out

If you let silly putty dry will it chip off?

It will chip off so bad man that you will cry!

Can sillyputty get wet?

I think it might roll off. Kind of like a mercury effect. Does silly putty consist of some sort of rubber or oil substance? with my research silly putty gets harder when put in a cup of water .

How do you take silly putty of a blanket?

You need to freeze the blanket and the silly putty will loose its stickiness and pull off in little pieces. You can try ice on it too, but freezing the whole blanket will work better.

Silly putty on the remote?

place it in the freezer for a while then when you take it out try to chip it off. good luck!

You got silly putty on your cell phone how do you get it off without using liquids?

Wipe it with a towel or get a new phone.

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Are silly bands being recalled?

I believe not because they cut off your circulation and there banded from schools.

How do you clean silly putty off of fabric?

Put it under hot water and use a fingernail bristle brush with soap and it should come right off with a little scrubbing. I got it off of my I Heart Boobies Bracelet its rubber so it should come right off.P.S. don't leave silly putty sitting around on the table. :-)

Can silly bands give you rashes?

if you are alergic to the stuff it is made out of but it can cut off your circulation if you get the small ones