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Q: How do you get 1000 headshots with the scar-h?
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Does Nathan do headshots Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

yes he does he has 1000 headshots for 4 guns and has 1000 kills with AC 130 And 600 on a choppa gunner so he is not bothered if you call him booster. but he is and boosts everything in cage matches and demolition

How do you get the spas 12 title on mw2?

prestige and get 500 kills for silver or 2500 kills for silver with skulls or 250 headshots for silver with all pro emblem in top right corner or get 1000 headshots

How do you get a gold acr title opn MW2?

Get 1000 headshots with the ACR. You must be prestiged in order to earn this title.

How do you get gold guns in mw1?

I think that u have 2 get 1000 headshots or somthing like that its easy with the desert eagle

How do you get the gold acr title mw2?

Achieve 1000 headshots with the ACR. You must be prestiged at least once to unlock this challenge.

How do you get the gold title for the ACR in MW2?

Achieve 1000 headshots with the ACR. You must be prestiged at least once to unlock this challenge.

How do you unlock m9 title?

There are many titles. I believe you unlock the titles from getting headshots and kills. The Silver Skull title is 2500 kills and the Golden Skull is 1000 headshots. Go to Challenges, then Secondary Weapons, then Pistols, and then M9 to check the challenges.

How do you get camo on your gun in Battlefield 2?

To get all the camos for your guns ur gonna have to make headshots. The last camo you can get for your gun is to get 250 headshots to get fall camo,150 headshots to get red tiger,75 headshots to get blue tiger,30 headshots urban, 15 headshots digital, and 5 headshots for woodland

On call of duty modern warfare 2 can you master the models?

Only primary weapons have a "master" challenge, so you cannot get a title for it until you prestige, once you prestige you get a title for either 500 kills or 250 headshots, you can also get an emblem for 1000 kills or 500 headshots

How do you get the acr title on mw2?

either prestige and get 500 kills with it or 250 headshots after prestigeing or get every attachment for it to get the bronze crosshair title for it b4 prestiging There are 5 titles Non Prestige-Mastery (Complete all the attachment challenges) Prestige-500 Kills(Gray Bar) 250 Headshots(Gray Bar with a Headshot symbol) 2500 Kills (Silver Skulls) and 1000 Headshots (Gold Skulls)