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It is a Hack , obviously , for people with no life

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you don't haha,you play the game correctly

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Q: How do you get 5 million xp per kill in mw2?
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How much exp do you get for 1 kill in modern warfare 2?

In MW2, most game modes give you 100 XP per kill. But Search and Destroy and possibly Sabatoge, each kill will give you 50 XP.

How do you get rank on black ops?

kill people, get xp...just like MW2

Is there any MW2 xp lobbys for ps3?

ADD warkid10 FOR xp & C-LOBBYs PS3

How much weapon xp per kill mw3?

Every kill you get in mw3 = 50 weapon xp no mater how many points per kill for normal xp. Say you get a kill in kill confirmed you get 50 xp and 50 weapon xp, if your playing search and destroy you get a kill (500xp) the kill was a head shot (+500xp) the kill was payback (+50xp) the kill was a comeback (+100xp) and you got the kill in final stand (+500xp) (final stand kills, normal xp kills, and head shot xp are different by game mode) this adds up to 1650xp for the kill but you still only get 50 weapon xp. challenges are different the amount earned from a gun challenge results in the same amount of weapon xp a mastery gives 10,000xp for player and gun.

How do you level up quickly in mw2?

Play Demolition, it gives you the most xp.

How much xp does 1 kill get you on cod Black Ops?

It all depends on the game mode and other factors. For instance playing Team Deathmatch for a simple kill you will receive 100 xp. Getting a kill from a distance or a "Long distance shot" you'll receive 150 xp. Avenge a team mate and you'll receive an extra 50 xp on top of the 100 xp for the kill. If you're playing something such as Headquaters then you only get 50 xp per kill instead of the usual 100 xp but all other bonuses apply (You can get defence and offence kills on certain game modes which give you 200 xp for the kill.)

How do you check your xp in MW2?

While playing a game type, look at the bottom of the screen and you will see a yellow bar, that is your XP. Also after the game press "Y" and you can see your XP.

Why do you sometimes get 40 xp when you kill someone on Call of Duty World at War multiplayer?

each game has different game points like S&D 50 points per kill, tdm 10 points per kill or free for all 5 points per kill and you might of been on xp week which give you more points double points or you could of killed someone and completed a challange hope this helped

Will Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare run on windows 7?

The game of the year was in Windows XP/VISTA as was MW2 & WAW, Black Ops was in Vista/7/XP

How much xp do you get per monkfish in rs?

you get 120 xp per monkfish in rs

How much xp do you get in bandits per hour?

500 xp per hour for bandits

Can somebody do the tenth prestige hack for you?

Its like any other lobby, but that its in private match. Any kills earned in the host's lobby count toward your actual live rank, and so when the host sets each kill to 4.5 million xp you actually get 4.5 million xp and rank up usually 70 or so levels. So as long as your in the lucky lobby, you get the xp to become tenth.