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First, you need to get the nat. pokedex.

Then go over to route 214 (the place w/ the fences) stick to the right, eventually there will be an opening in the trees. follow the path and you will end up in some random cave. (there is a lake so you will need a Pokemon with surf) and you need a Pokemon with defog because inside it will be foggy

There will be doors on either all four sides of the cave.Go down until you get to giratina. be sure to have timer, ultra, and/or master balls

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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

after beating the elite 4, a new path will appear in the long upwards path by sunyshore city. continue through it and you will find a large trench. to enter it you will need rock climb and maybe surf, i dont completely remember. you will have to do some puzzle or something and get to the room where giratina is. its at level 70 and ghost/dragon type, so an ice type would be smart. after that, you will get some type of item.

sorry my answer sucks i havent played te game in a while.

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Q: How do you get Giratina in diamond?
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You cannot rebattle legendary pokemon. (Correction, Giratina is on Platinum ONLY)

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Turnback Cave you idiot

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Try the cave in Sendoff Spring after you beat the elite 4 and you will find a giratina.

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You can't do anything since there is no way to re-spawn Giratina in order for it to return in Pokémon Diamond once you have caused it to faint.

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