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just leveling Metalmamemon to about 20-60 level ( high metal resistance, ice resist and ATK DEF ability required ), and to get MegaGargomon, you need to leveling your MetalMamemon to level 99

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Greymon must be at Level 40 in order to digivolve into MetalGreymon in "Digimon World 3."

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Q: How do you get MetalGarurumon in Digimon World 3?
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How do you get metal garurumon in Digimon World DS?

MetalGarurumon evolves from a WereGarurumon at level 45 and a friendship of at least 90%.

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you have to have metalgarurumon and wargrey at a certain level (around 64) sometimes with a certain amount a exp. and then you DNA digivolve them!

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Personally, I think the best Digimon game is Digimon World Dusk/ Dawn or Digimon World Data Squad. others have different opinions but those are the ones I like best. Personally, I think the best Digimon game is Digimon World Dusk/ Dawn or Digimon World Data Squad. others have different opinions but those are the ones I like best.

How can you get megadramon in Digimon World 3?

You can't.

How get other digimons in Digimon World ds?

1.gain 100% scan of digimon after that go to digimon convert at digifarm. can get digimon at digimon list same place after that you change your digimon location. put your digimon in party.

What is the digivolution chart in Digimon World 3?

there is non.

Where is a RPG Digimon game?

Digimon RPG International is a gaming site. It follows the story of a digital world created through a network of computer known as Yggdrasil.

In digimon dawn dusk and world ds can you find agumon and its evolutions and prevolutions?

Yes you can find Koromon in Union Quest 3 in the Limit Valley and you can also find Agumon there as well as a wild Digimon and the rest of Agumon's forms which includes his Fresh or Baby form of Botamon, his Champion form of Greymon, Ultimate form of MetalGreymon, Mega level form of WarGreymon and his DNA Digivolution (with MetalGarurumon) form of Omnimon can be received either through digivolving or de-digivolving to those Digimon forms.

Can you trade Digimon on Digimon battle?

well my friend had digimon world ds he was borrowing it and i had my very own digimon world dawn my friend says lets trade! so we tryed but it didnt work =( if you had digimon world dawn and the digimon world dusk then you can trade but digimon world ds can only trade with digimon world ds and digimon world championship can only trade with digimon world championship hope that helps!!!!!!!

How do you catch Digimon in Digimon world PS?

you can't catch Digimon in Digimon World 1 on PS.