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Unless you own a copy (disk)of the game, it is illegal. but just search in Google "OoT Master Quest Rom" if you're a rebel.

PS. not saying you should, just answering

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Q: How do you get Zelda oot master quest on computer?
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How much is Zelda oot?

Depend you can buy an a original use copy, buy the Zelda collection for game cube, but the Zelda OoT + Zelda OoT master quest bundled or but it of the Wii virtual console. However I only know how much it cost on the Wii: 1000 Wii points or $10

Where can you buy the legend of Zelda ocarina of time on the GameCube?

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time comes in two forms for the Gamecube. There is a disk that has both OoT and OoT Master Quest and was a pre-order gift for Wind Waker. Also, there is something called the Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition that has various Wind Waker demos and a video, a Zelda retrospective, Legend of Zelda, Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, and Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask. Both disks seem to be located on Ebay, I haven't seen them at Game Crazy or Game Stop in a long time. But u can still check a few game stops. Today I saw the Oot and Oot Master quest at gamsstop. A few days before I saw the collector's edition one too.

What is oot oot?

OoT is abbreviated for Ocarina of Time. The fifth Zelda game is called The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. People call it Zelda OoT for short =).

Is there a beta version on ocarina of time 3DS?

You can download the N64 emulator and Zelda OoT Rom so you can try it. It´s actually an awesome game.

Is Zelda ocarina of time for PlayStation?

No, The Legend of Zelda is only available on Nintendo systems, and is a Nintendo exclusive. You can get Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64, on the Nintendo GameCube (The Legend of Zelda: Master Quest, and The Legend of Zelda: Collector’s Edition), on the Nintendo Wii (Virtual Console), and on the Nintendo 3DS.

Can you play as Zelda in oot?

gaby2107 says:No

How can you sell things in Zelda oot?

You can't

Should i get Zelda ocarina of time 3d or kid icarus uprising?

I would get OoT 3d. The game has a Master Quest when you beat the first quest. It is also tougher than the first quest. The 3d effect also works really well with this game and gives it a sense of depth. Kid Icarus has good replay value but if you don't like online gaming you should reconsider getting KI:U. OoT is a great gaming experience so your choice is simple PICK THIS GAME UP!! :)

How can you get chest on the Legend of Zelda oot?

depends... WHICH CHEST!?

What is at the bottom of the Well in Zelda OoT?

Lens of Truth

I am in the spirit temple trying to blow up the boulder and ran out of bombchus.Where can i buy bombchus in oot master quest?

Don't know in Master Quest but in the original when your in the Haunted Wasteland you'll see a sign on the Left. The Bombchus are 200 Rupees!

Is oot longer than tp ootocarina of time and tp twilight princess?

oot is the longest Zelda game ever