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get to hr 3 urgent the urgent is shen gaoren go to game faqs for a walkthrough

by cwcheater

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Q: How do you get a Shen Gaoren in Monster Hunter Freedom 2?
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How do you get the offline g rank quests in monster hunter unite?

complete the level 6 quests for the granny then slay the shen gaoren and a hypnocatrice. then you can do quests for the felyne elder next to the granny

How do you unlock the HR6 White Fatalis in Monster Hunter Freedom Unite?

You must kill 5 of each elder dragon (shen gaoren doesnt count) and kill (not repel actually KILL) 3 lao shan lung and 3 of any kind of fatalis

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try killing large wyverns e.g akantor/lao shan/shen and sell the parts fatalis though seems to make the most for me

Who do you get to the felyne elder in monster hunter freedom unite?

To unlock the felyne elder you have to complete elder 6* urgent shen goaren and the talk to the cat beside her and she'll give you hypnocatrice mission. complete that and you get 2 do 7* missions

If you battle shen gaoren on MHF Unite and time runs out does his damage carry over to repel him?

no only if in fort, hit its legs then go for the body with bombs and weapon

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You renovate the Mining point on the farm. Go to the yellow guy that stand right outside the farm, talk to him and choose renovate, you've got to clear specific missions for it. Pokke points needed to renovate the mining point. To unlock them you must increase your hr (hunter rank) in the guild, veggie elder, and Nekoht missions. Mostly the big missions like defeating a monster that will destroy the town (Shen Gaoren, Lao Shan Lung Series, Akantor etc. Monsters that are over 1500 feet or 2000.)

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Just By Throwing Seeds

What are all monsters weaknesses on monster hunter freedom unite?

These are the only weaknesses i know about: Vespoid - fire Queen Vespoid - fire Hornetaur - fire Giadrome - dragon Velocidrome - dragon Gendrome - dragon Iodrome - dragon Yian Kut-Ku - water/ice Yian Garuga - water Gypceros - fire Hypocantrice - fire Rathian - thunder Rathalos - dragon/ice Khezu - fire Basarios - dragon/water Gravios - water Monoblos - ice Dioblos - ice Tigrex - thunder Akantor - raw damage Cephadrome - ice Plesioth - fire/thunder Hermitaur - fire/thunder Shogan Cenataur - thunder Shen Gaoren - fire Bulldrome - raw damage Congalala - fire Blangonga - fire Rajang - ice Kirin - fire/dragon All Elder Dragons - dragon/raw damage

In monster hunter freedom unite can you get pets?

lao shan is a very loyal pet. but he eats a lot of fish and hate insects however shen gao ren really loves eating insects but hates herbs and plants try feeding it vespoid qeen. he really loves ukanlas is a vegetarian. he loves wyvern grass. You are Jokes the only "pets" you really have are felynes.

What weapon should you use on the shen goergon in the beginning of monster hunter unite?

Best weapon to me is long sword and if you dont have any really sharp ones, the next one would be hammer. The other weapons might work but only if you are playing with someone else but really any weapon with a good sharpness would do.

How do you become a g-rank on monster hunter freedom unite?

Here is a list of quests to finish in order to get to G-Rank HR1-2 Just fight all large monsters HR2-3 Master of the Giant Lake (Plesioth) Hemitaur Sonata (Kill 20 Hemitaur) Pincer through the Sky Trouble in the Forest Ioprey Leader Urgent quest is Tigrex HR3-4 Runaway Diablos Valor In the Swamp King's Domain Queen's Descent Urgent quest is Lao Shan HR4-5 Poison Duo Ultimate Dinner Trapped By Kut-Ku Conga Counter Attack Urgent is Azure Lao Shan For this one I only Know the monster HR5-6 2 Blangonga Red Khezu Green Plesioth Rathalos Basarios Urgent is 2 Tigrex HR6-7 Fierce Blackhorn Blue, Pink Deny Silver Find Golden This urgent is to get to G-Rank Urgent #1 2 Hypnocotrice Urgent #2 Akantor Urgent #3 2 Shen Gaoren These can appear in any order so expect exteme difficulty And after you finish these you are now G-Rank

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