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Q: How do you get a better paying job in this economy?
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What is a good paying job?

It depends on what are your talents and the type of economy of the country of which you live in.

How do you get high paying job?

To get a high paying job, you need to excel in your academic studies. You should also set goals and objectives that will eventually lead to a better paying job.

Would like to get a new truck?

Buy one. If you can't afford it, get a better paying job. If that's not an option, seek out higher education which will get you qualifications for a better paying job.

What does the economy do to people?

The economy is reflection of how productive the people are. The better the economy the more investors which in turn create job opportunity.

What is to best paying job in America right now and that's not going to lose its appeal as the economy declines?

Working at McDonalds.

What is a well-paying job for an intelligent high schooler?

If you are good at programming, installingOS's, and general debugging of a computer you could get a "well-paying" job (better than working at the mall) working in IT.

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Is what a high paying job?

Why go to collage after high school?

for a chance to get a more advanced and therefore better paying job

What is the most paying job for a 14 year old?

I would think that the best paying job for a 14 year old is as an actor. But the field of acting is very unpredictable; some people do very well, but most do not. Of course, it is typical of jobs in general that the better paying ones are harder to get. Otherwise, why would anyone take a lower paying job?

What is the best paying job for a teen?

The Best Paying Job for a teen is: Vet.

Will dentistry still be a high paying job in the future?

Definitely It will be still a high paying job. It's a all-time high paying job.

How does a well-educated work force help to give a nation a strong economy?

To have more people working at a high paying job so its economy will bring in more money and to keep people off of the streets