

How do you get a blue zoroa in Pokemon white?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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You get REALLY lucky by getting a shiny Zorua

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Q: How do you get a blue zoroa in Pokemon white?
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How do you get zoroa in Pokemon white?

you have to trade celebi to your black or white game (P.S. it's zorua!)

What Pokemon is zoroa?

zoroa is a new legendary Pokemon unique to Pokemon black and white (its moves type and any other specific information about this Pokemon have not been revealed yet) It will star in the 13th Pokemon movie although I forget the title.

How do you get Zoroa on black and white?

whats that zoroa on black and white what do you mean

Is zora a legendary in Pokemon?

yes it is. Its in black and white. you need celebei to catch it. and its spelt zoroa

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You cannot get Zorua in Pokemon SoulSilver.

Can you get the zoorak mystery gift with one two lengendary beasts in Pokemon white?

Yes, you only need one of the beasts to get zoroa. Then you need to use the pokeshifter in white on route 15 to transfer him

Does Zoroa evolve in Pokemon?

Yes, Zorua evolves into Zoroark. <-(at level 70)

Is zorak in Pokemon HeartGold?

Zoroa and Zoroark are 5th Generation Pokemon,your playing 4th Generation, 5th will be out in Late 2010 or Early 2011

Where can you find Zoroa in Pokemon Black?

first you need celibi then you go to the city with sky scrapers and get the relocator then go to a building and there is a kid talk to him with celibi in your party and he turns into zoroa.

Which is the legendary Pokemon in the 13th movie?

celebi, raiku, suicune, and entei. plus two new pokemon: Zoroa & Zoroark.

Can you have zoro n in Pokemon Diamond?

No you can't. It's like trading a Diamond Pokemon to Fire red. The software wasn't made to accept that bit of information. POkemon black or white software is too advanced for diamond, so Zoroa would never be programmed into the dex, or to diamond