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well was 10 too and if ur over weight just try to be yourself i no ppl dont think that but i am 11 now and i was at my bbf house and i really like her brother i was shy at first but then when i started to have fun he loosened up and and in like a couple days he asked me out. he has to already dated someone or atleast think dating around that age is cool some ppl think were to young just be yourself is all im sayin

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Q: How do you get a boy to ask you out if your 10 and over weight?
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no that's a bit over weight by mabey 10 pounds and that's not bad I am 50 punds over weight!

Im 10 how do you get a boy to like me?

ask me and I WILL ;)

What is the average weight of an English 10-year-old boy?

For an English 10-year-old boy boy there is no particular weight. Weight is related to height and body composition rather than age. For more information, and to view the growth charts, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions. Alternatively, please feel free to ask the question again and include more detail.

How do you get a 10 year old boy to ask a 10 year old girl out?

just ask her or just ask him whatever but you guys are very young

Is 11 year old boy 5'7 and 170 pounds over weight?

Your BMI is around 26.6 so you are about 7-10 lbs overweight

What the average weight for a 9 year old boy?

My weight is about 64LBS and I am 10 in two months

A 10 yr old boy and a weight lifter The 10 yrold boy can hold it longer than the big strong man What is it?


What is the average weight for a 10 year old boy?

6 stone

What is the average weight in stone of a 10-year-old boy?

There is no specific weight for a 10-year-old boy (or girl). Weight is related to height and body composition rather than age. Please feel free to ask the question again and include more detail. Alternatively, for more information about weight in relation to height, and to view the growth charts, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

What is the average circumference of a 10 year old boy?

My 10 year old son is very athletic. He is a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, a wrestler, and football player. He is 53 inches tall and weighs 73lbs. If your child is tall and slim, they will weigh different than a shorter child or one with more muscles. I would guess that the average weight is around 75lbs. I am guaging this from the weights of most of the kids my son competes against that are his same age.

How can a ten your old lose weight?

Your 10.. Unless you weigh over 100kgs you should be playing club penguin.. eat helthy and exersise, ask a doctor