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You go to the pet store buy a collar go click on your pet and there will be a catgorie click on it then you will not have to worry about your pet running away You go to the pet store buy a collar go click on your pet and there will be a catgorie click on it then you will not have to worry about your pet running away You go to the pet store buy a collar go click on your pet and there will be a catgorie click on it then you will not have to worry about your pet running away

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12y ago

Well, if you are in the making a family mode, then when your making your pet one of the options for editing the pet, The second to last one there is collars to choose from.

If you adopted a pet the you have to go buy a collar at a pet store. then click on a mirror and click edit your dogs apperence(I think that's it, or see if there is a new option when you click on the, mirror) Then you can change collars on your animals, dog or cat, to something else.

I really hope that helps, i havn't played sims 2 lately, so i don't exactly remember every word.

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Q: How do you get a collar for an adopted dog in Sim 2 Pets for PC?
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By making the owner die or make the dog's day badly until it runs away. Beware if you don't have a collar on the dog the sim(s) won't have a chance to find the dog again.

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A dog wears a collar. Usually a dog collar being worn signifies that a dog belongs to someone and often dog ID tags will be fixed to the dog collar so that a dog can be quickly returned to his owner if he gets lost.

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You collar train a dog by basically leaving the collar on a dog. They will think that it is bothersome at first. But, within a few days the dog will not even notice the collar anymore.

Can you have babies on the sims 2 pets on wii?

ur cat or dog can have babies but i dont think ur sim can have babies

When do sim pets give birth on sims 2 pets?

you get to a high relationship with the dog, and make sure it has a high relationship with the dog you want it to have puppies with (boolProp testingcheatsenabled true then drag up relationship bar, then go false). then make them have sex. SIMPLE

Why is my dog's body on sim's pets missing?

It's just a glitch no matter how annoying :( Your dog can still do what any other sims 3 pets dogs can do however. IF it gets sooo annoying I recommend starting a new household.