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sorry you cant change the way he is, i would know, try talking to him

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Q: How do you get a dad to stop being a jerk?
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How do you get your dad to stop grounding you?

stop being such a smartass

How do you say stop being a jerk in french?

"Arrête d'être un crétin."

Was Zeus a jerk?

no,he was god of gods EDIT: Being the king of the gods does not stop you from being a jerk. The guy was a serial rapist and brought evil to the world through Pandora's box.

How do you stop your boyfriend from being such a jerk?

Tell him that if he doesn't stop being immature, than you're going to leave him and find someone that treats you right.

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no but we all on wish he would stop being a jerk!

Why are dads jerks?

Dads are often jerks because they were brought up in different times and do not understand what it is like being a youth today. If kids and their dad spoke they might understand each other's point of view. If your dad is a jerk, try to speak to him. Ask him what it was like when he was you age, and see if he remembers what it was like and what he thought of his parents at the time. You never know, your dad might not be a jerk, if you start speaking.

How can you get your girlfriend to stop whining about her dad dying already when it has been a full week and get her to stop being a wuss?

dude, your being in considerate what if it was your dad i bet she would have been there for you. if you do not help her you might lose her.

Was the dinosore the first ever animal?

Loli333 stop being a jerk. And no the Dinosaur was not the first animal to ever live.

What was john Bonham's childhood like?

He was abused and his dad was a jerk.

What is the definition of the word jerk?

the definition of jerk is someone being a show off and being cool

Is your dad still angry with you?

Your dad may just be a jerk,and feels very unliked because he is no one likes him.

Is Suraj a jerk?

Yes! In addition to being a nerd, Suraj is a jerk