

How do you get a destroyer in a day for the onlinegame of EVE Online?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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After creating a trial account to scope out the world of Eve Online, many people will quickly find that after upgrading to a few frigates that the only next logical step is to move up to a new class of ships. Unfortunately, due to it being a trial account, people find that they are heavily restricted on what kinds of ships that they are allowed to purchase. What few ships are available can take days to train the proper skills for. Thus making many missions very difficult to complete, and ultimately making it more difficult for people to further scope out the game to decide if they want to subscribe. I'm going to tell you an easy way to obtain a destroyer class ship on day one of your trial account. This will make level 1 missions a breeze, allowing you to move onto more interesting level 2 missions, as well as getting a glimpse of what the game REALLY has to offer. You will also be able to focus your time training skills to modify and enhance your ship, rather than just trying to obtain the proper skills to use it. This is actually very easy to do, but also very unknown to new players who simply are just not knowlegible enough of the game. After all, there is a lot to learn! First off, you will need to choose Gallente as your race. It doesn't matter how you do your attributes, or what bloodline you choose. When it gives you a choice of industrial, military, or business - choose military. Next, choose special forces. This will give level 4 for Gallente Frigates(which is required for many of the other ship classes). This is the only possible way in the game to get that high of a frigate level when you are just starting off. Once you get into the game, do a few of the tutorial missions until you obtain an Incursus, which is a frigate that you will receive for free from one of the tutorial missions. Once you get this ship, equip it with an afterburner, and a 150mm hybrid railgun. (Hybrid weapons are good to use as Gallente, but you can use whatever you want, really). You can also equip Damage Control 1 and Civilian Shield Booster to help on the defenses. Now, do some missions. Do a bunch of missions. And loot everything. Do not keep a single thing, sell every piece of loot that you can get your hands on. You are going to need a total of almost 1 million ISK. Its not as hard as it sounds, its actually very easy, although a bit time consuming. Within a few hours you should easily have 300-500k ISK. Once you hit 90k ISK, feel free to buy the skill Destroyers, and train it. It should take about 30 minutes. Once that skill is complete you now have everything you need to use a destroyer, you just need to purchase one. The cheapest one is a Catalyst, at around 900,000 ISK. i quote this guide from,for more details you can go there.

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Q: How do you get a destroyer in a day for the onlinegame of EVE Online?
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