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Firstly, never force your dog. Just start with hooking the lead to a collar and leaving it on for short periods of time (say a couple of minutes), giving it, it's favourite food. Do that for about a week or until it gets used to it, a couple of times a day, increasing the time every day. After that you can start walking and going on short walks until it gets used to it. Depending on the dog and its background it will take a while for the dog to like the lead.

Some tips:

1. if you give the dog a little treat everytime you put it on the lead it will come to realise that the leash is a good experience and will want to go on walks and will get excited about being on the lead.

2. if the dog is unwilling just because he/she is lazy or doesn't like exercising then I suggest you but him/her on a diet and try and make him/her excercise another way aswell, giving him/her a little treat every time he/she excercises weather it is food or some good old patting!

hope that helps!

yeah, either that or you can carry him, and let getv used to his surroundings.

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13y ago


1. Stay inside your house with the dog and (if your dogis already comfortable with your house) just put the leash on it while you are in the house

2. Don't hold the leash just let your dog drag it around and get used to it

3. After he gets used to it walk him around the house while you hold the leash now

4. If he/she is doing good so far take your dog outside


-make sure your dog know that if it pulls on the leash it won't go anywhere

-also don't let your dog be the one walking you!

-and when your walking let your dog sniff around and when you get tired of standing there one or two quick, firm jerks on the leash should help to get him to move

-when your dog is walking beside you don't make the leash tight give it some slack

-Remember this is supposed to be fun for you AND your dog

P.S. give your dog praise and treats if he is good on the walk

This may not work perfectly for everyone but it normally works very well

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Q: How do you get a dog to walk on a leash when they are deathly afraid of it and won't move?
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