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Its sad that you have no life and care this much about Farmville.

Cityville is better.

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Q: How do you get a full grown Stallion on Farmville I have 7 snow stallion foals and 1 mini stallion foal How can I get them to grow up If I put them in the nursery it produces a black horse?
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Related questions

How do you breed on ponystars?

To breed a ponystar on ponystars, follow this: You choose one of your mares. You then go to "Proposals" and go to "Stallion List." Then you choose the stallion you wish to breed with. (Remember: the ponystar you'll be breeding will have a colour blend of the father and mother). Then you have to give the stallion around 100 Fairy Gold if the stallion accepts. Then your mare is pregnant! After a week, the baby will be put into the Nursery and you only have 3 days to get it back to your herd or it will be gone forever. Good Luck!

How do you breed animals in your nursery on Farmville?

Unfourtunatly there really is no way to the only way to breed your horses is to, find a wondering stallion on your farm friends profile, with cows, you just find them also, or you can get lucky and get one out of your, dairy farm and chickens you have to find eggs on your friends profile.

How do you breed your pony at ponystars?

Well, to breed your own 2 ponies, you need one boy and one girl. They both must have at least 24 health points. Then go to "proposals" under "My Ponystars" and click on Stallion list. Type in your stallion's name and select the breed. When your stallion's picture appears, underneath him will be a button to request to breed. Click that, then go to "proposals" again and check "Received Requests" and their should be a request from yourself. Click accept. In 7 days your mare will have a baby in the nursery!

Can you upgrade the nursery barn in FarmVille?

You need to be a certain level to buy a new nursery barn

Where do you get a nursery barn in farmville?

You have to buy one from the Market under Buildings.

Can your calf grow up in farmville?

Yes if you put them in a nursery or a baby animal pen

Why send a brick on facebook Farmville?

Bricks are used to help build or expand Horse Stables and Nursery Barns.

Do calf grow in FarmVille?

Yes, If you put foals and Calves into the Nursery Barn they will grow into diffront types of cows and horses

Do calfs mature in FarmVille?

They will eventually mature if placed inside Nursery Barn (same goes for foals). Nope you just brush them!

Can you breed cows on FarmVille?

Yes, using a Nursery Barn you can get from the Market. Put calfs and other baby animals in the Nursery Barn, every time you tend the Barn, your animals have a chance of growing into their adult versions.

How do you get nursery barn in farmville?

You don't!! stop playing it and get a life! seriously, its a waste of time you could be using that time doing something WWAAYY better! :)

How long does it take for a calf to come from your bull and cow on farmville?

In Farmville, calves grow up into cows only if they are placed in the Nursery Barn.You can now raise your baby foals and calves in your Nursery Barn!Each Time you Harvest from a Nursery Barn, you have a chance for one of your animals to grow into an all new adult animal that you can keep!Today.. you can no longer buy Nursery Barns. You can only get Baby Playpens. Baby Playpens only get you MORE babies. You can grow the calves up is you pay 15 Farmville Cash.