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I recommend if you are in elementary school play a sport at recess. Try to do something amazing that everyone goes wow to. If you are older buy your special someone some chips and candy. If you are in high school invite her to the prom. And if you are older invite her out.

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Q: How do you get a girl to notice you not in a stupid but in way she will like you when she does notice you?
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How do I get a girl that I fancy to like me?

answer- Make sure you are nice and caring to everyone. She will notice this. Don't show off or be stupid and try and help her in any way to can.

Do guys like a smart girl?

yes but they also like stupid girls because they are easy (but not in a love way)

What is the best way for a girl to notice you?

Go and walk past her everyday or if her friend is your friend, ask your friend to hang out with the girl you like too.

Why would a guy sometimes go out of his way to walk past a girl?

Maybe because he may really like the girl and want her to notice him.?

How do I get a girl to notice me?

One way to get a girl to notice you is, just be yourself! be out there, but not extreme, the only way you will get recognized is if they apreciate the things you do. If the girl doesn't notice you? Move on with your life and dont pout! you will find that someone! :) it works ive tried it!

Can a boy like a girl in a loving way if he's only eleven?

Sure just don't do anything stupid like kissing or stuff like that.

How can an average looking guy increase his luck with women and get them to notice him?

Its all about showing confidence when you are around a girl or a party of people. Its the best way to get anyone to notice & like you .

Stop a girl from just flirting with you?

One way to stop a girl from flirting with you is tell her that you like a girl named Jessica or anything you could think of and that you don't like anybody at school or wherever you are.That will make her notice that you don't like her.She might still like you but she will know you don't like her. One way to stop a girl from flirting with you is tell her that you like a girl named Jessica or anything you could think of and that you don't like anybody at school or wherever you are.That will make her notice that you don't like her.She might still like you but she will know you don't like her.

Is there a way to ask a girl if she likes you without implying that you like her?

JUST ASK SHE WILL TELL U UNLESS SHE IS SHY BUT TAKE A CHANCE AND DON'T LISTEN 2 STUPID PEOPLE What???I Am A Girl I Say You Should Straight Out Say You Like Her And Say Do You Like Me And Give He Time To Think And Have Girl Time With Her Friends I Don't Think There Is Any Way Of Asking A Girl Do You Like Me With Out Them Thinking You Like Them

Can a girl like a guy only if she noticed that he likes her friend and her friend likes him too?

Haha no way! It is true that it is one of the ways that a girl can notice that she after all realy likes the guy but it is not the ONLY way. Bye

How do you make girls notice you?

There are many ways to get a girl to notice you, but the best way is to just be nice to them, no girl likes a mean boy. Be nice and good to them. GOOD LUCK!

How do I get a mexican boy to notice me or like me?

The best way to get a Mexican boy to notice you is to talk to him more often. There is no way to make someone like you.