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You can feed it a lot of that is nutritious like hay, oats, or apples but don't feed it too much it would gain too much weight also.. be sure to keep a big bowl of water for the horse.


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13y ago
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15y ago

In order to make a horse gain a lot of weight fast you need to stop excersising them for about a week and feed them three times a day. Stay away from the carrots or apples, just carbish foods. Then when the week is over put them back on their normal routine. They should have gained weight in that one week but if not, I don't know what to tell ya.

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12y ago

Getting a horse to gain weight quickly is not always healthy for it. Feeding too much too quickly can cause colic and ulcers. Start by increasing it's hay ration and possibly adding alfalfa hay to the diet. If the horse is still too thin add a bit of weight builder supplement and some grain or pellets.

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