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i blew cigarette smoke in our puppies face while they were crying all night and they went to sleep, does that answer your question?

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Q: How do you get a puppy to sleep at night when he sleeps all day?
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What if your 4 month old puppy sleeps all afternoon and does not want to play is this normal?

yes that is normal they need there sleep to grow & be healthy

How much sleep do puppy dachshunds need?

OH Yes! Out of personal experience, mine gets up at 8 goes out to potty, comes in and then sleeps until 1 pm gets up and plays a while then it's back to sleep. Repeats this cycle all evening then goes to bed with me at around 10pm or 11pm and sleeps the whole night. I might also add that she always sleeps under the blankets, she loves to burrow!

What does it mean when a guy sleeps all day?

Hamsters sleep during the day and are active at night! So it's very normal

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the forest never sleeps. if the forest sleeps all the creatures and plants would have died.

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A parakeet often sleeps at night when you're either asleep or quiet, and takes short naps throughout the day :PP.S why would you even ask that question all animals sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Think about it. Why do baby people sleep.

Do gray wolf sleeps all day or all night?

They don't sllep all day or all night

How do reptiles sleep?

I don't know about other species, but I have a red-eared slider (one of the most common types of aquatic turtles in the U.S.) and she sleeps at night just like I do. After the sun goes down and her heat lamp turns off, she goes up against one side of her tank, pulls her head in, and sleeps like that all night long. MY BABY eastern box turtle sleeps alot since it is a baby and when it sleep under a log it curves his neck out and he sleeps like that

How long can wild turtles sleep under water?

All night long, it seems. I have a female red-eared slider, and she sleeps at night just like I do. After the sun goes down and her heat lamp goes off, she goes up against one side of her tank, pulls her head about halfway in, and sleeps like that all night long. It's very odd, because when she is awake, she seems to need to come up for air every 20 or 30 minutes, at the most. But when she sleeps, she stays underwater all night long, 8 or 9 hours, without coming up for air. So maybe turtles don't need to breathe when they sleep? I dunno.

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Kimberly sleeps all the time because she need rest

What can potbelly pigs do?

All mammals sleep. yes ,often. they sleep as much as a dog. a pigglet pot. will sleep like a puppy, a lot!! it's all play, eat, sleep. all day. my pebbles is 6 weeks old and she sleeps on us more than she does anything else.

Why my German shepherd GSD puppy don't play at all and want to sleep all the day where he is just 8 week old I am very nurvous for his condition?

I wouldn`t worry yet hes still very young.Let him sleep one day he won`t sleep and you`ll want him too.I have a1/2 lab 1/2 mastiff hes 12 weeks old and still sleeps alot,he is also the laziest puppy I have ever seen.