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well how would you get a urine stain on the couch anyway oh yeah you clean it that's how you get rid of it clean it :):)

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Q: How do you get a urine stain of cloth couch?
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Clean the couch with a mixture of vinegar and Pine Sol. That should remove the smell and the stain. D-Molish Now also does a great job of removing the smell and the soaked urine.

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my cat keeped going to the bathroom in my couch because she was not traineed yet. but i used Arm & hammer stain remover for dogs & cats and it worked it acted like a vacum cleaner. it depeneds what couch you have but if this does not work in your couch try resolve stain and odor remover my mom used that a long time ago and she used it to get the stain out too for the same resen so you could say both of them work.

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Try Goo Be Gone! It does leave a grease stain but it's much better than a white out stain and I'm sure there's a way to get the greese stain out. I did research and found out that the four best-bets for getting white out out of cloth are (in this order): 1) Goo Be Gone; 2) W-D 40; 3) rubbing alcohol; and finally 4) nail polish remover. Try them out and see what works! :-)

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With more urine

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You can clean tomato sauce stains on a suede couch by wiping up the excess sauce with a clean cloth to begin with. Make a solution of lukewarm water and a mild soap, swish to create suds and then apply the foam only to the stain using a sponge. Wipe the residue away with a clean, damp cloth.

How do you get permanent marker out of rug?

Rubbing Alcohol will remove permanent marker from your rug. The best time to work on the stain is as soon as possible. A dry stain may not be removable. You should get some clean white cloths, dampen one of the cloths with rubbing alcohol and dab the stain with the cloth. Change the cloth frequently to a clean section of the cloth or to a new cloth so as to not spread the stain. As you dab the stain you will be diluting it and transferring it to the cloth. For other stain removal solutions,

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How do you get the musty smell out of a leather couch?

Febreeze works. Just test it on a small unnoticeable part of the couch first to check and see it it will stain your couch. If it doesn't then spray the couch, especially the cushions.