

How do you get an 11 year old boy to like you if your shy?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Here is one way. Tell people you trust a lot to tell the boy you like him. Then tell him yourself.

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Q: How do you get an 11 year old boy to like you if your shy?
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simple you ask him or if your really shy like me, then get your friends to ask him out for you, or if your that type, get your friends and his friends to set him up on a blind date with you

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Ask the same q but give me the awnser 2 wats your age? And dress cute and c if tht does anythin

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If you really like him you should do it your self. If you are to shy though talk to his friends and tell them to tell the boy you like to ask you out if he likes you

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if your that shy ma by you wont but i just start being friends with girls

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if he constantly glances toward you, wants to be your partner for something, etc.

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grow a pair of balls and ask her out. Girls like confidence no matter what age you are. with confidence

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If a shy boy does like you he will become even more shy around you. He will avoid you and try to act cool.

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It is far better to ask the boy to go to the movies than to tell him you like him as a boyfriend. If you tell him you like him as a boyfriend he is still at the age he will feel shy and you may scare him away.